Technology for
human performance.

Track & analyse your performance like never before.

No longer confined to research labs and elite sporting teams, ForceDecks’ make it easy to assess your strength, movement, asymmetry and balance.

ForceDecks automatically detects and assesses over 20 different movements, from squats to jumps and from isometric strength to functional tests such as sit-to-stand and balance assessments


“When I completed my first Performance Test using the ForceDecks I was a little sceptical, wasn’t really sure what purpose it held for me and my training.  After completing my first test, Bailey designed a programme utilising the results and taking into account what I needed for my everyday life and chosen field.  I spent the next several months working on the programme and then completed another Performance Test using the same ForceDecks and saw some amazing results.  Without the ForceDecks Performance Testing some of the programming can be guess work, with this I feel Bailey has been able to really focus in on what my body needs for me to achieve my goals. With continued testing over time Bailey will be able to adjust my programme accurately to enable me to achieve greater results.”

Tash Hortle

“Great to get such detailed metrics. The testing gives deep insight into any performance limitations and allows Bailey to curate a super targeted program to suit.”

Luke Timmins

“My experience with testing was fantastic. I completed a testing when I was at the peak of a football pre-season. Results showed I was Improving in my athletic performance and explosiveness. But I was very fatigued and my strength had dropped since my previous testing. Bailey documented my testing results and he explained how they showed I was overloading my training. Bailey adjusted my program and we changed how I recovered after training. Resulting in energy and strength levels improving. Perfect result!”

Jesse Landers