UNBROKEN is like no other program we have ever offered at Compound Performance!!

We are big on things you do outside of training.

  • What’s your schedule like?

  • How’s your sleep?

  • Do you get much deep sleep?

  • Is your bedtime routine helping you get the best possible sleep?

  • Do you focus on your wake routine ?

  • How much water do you drink?

These are just a few of the questions we ask and look deeply into because at the end of the day you can’t be training 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. So what are you doing to help IMPROVE your health and performance outside of the gym!!

And this is where the UNBROKEN Program comes into play. This program is a 14 week looking into everything outside of the gym and training!! That’s right, for the first time ever this program has no training included, it is all about your habits and lifestyle.

The UNBROKEN program is perfect for people who already go to the gym and have a program they are following but aren’t looking into the other stuff. And when I say other stuff I’m talking about the important stuff, the out of the gym stuff.

What is covered

Week 1: Consistency

Week 2: Weekly Training Schedule

Week 3: Daily Schedules

Week 4: The Big 3

Week 5: Sleep

Week 6: Sleep Timing

Week 7: Sleep Window

Week 8: Bedtime Routine

Week 9: Morning Routine

Week 10: Nervous System

Week 11: Parasympathetic

Week 12: Fluid Intake

Week 13: Nutrition

Week 14: Wrap-up


For less than the price of 1 take-away coffee a week.

$5 per week.

$70 for 14 weeks.

Intake 1 - 1st of September - 8th of December

Take the next step in unlocking your potential!!

Enquire today and let’s get started!!